Ways for Partners to Bond with the Breastfed Child

hampton roads postpartum doulas

We hear this a lot: “I want to breastfeed, but my partner wants to know how they’ll be able to bond with the baby if they can’t feed them.” This implies that feeding your baby is the only way to bond with your baby.  Let me be clear, breastfeeding is an incredible bonding experience, and it’s understandable why your partner could potentially feel …

How Can I Love Another Baby?

hampton roads breastfeeding support

As I near the end of my pregnancy, carrying my second child, my anxiety rises. I wonder how I can possibly love another baby like I love my sweet daughter, Harleigh. I wonder how I could abandon her like this and bring another baby into our lives who will steal some of the attention she is so accustomed to. I have great days, …

What’s a Postpartum Plan?

You’ve probably heard this question many times throughout your pregnancy. “Have you written a birth plan?” “What’s in your birth plan?” “What kind of birth experience do you want?” “Are you bringing a birth plan with you to the hospital?” While the birth experience is a life altering, mind-blowing, incredibly transformative event many consider to be the start to motherhood, …