Why Should I Encapsulate My Placenta?

placenta encapsulation hampton roads

Why should I have my placenta encapsulated?

What are the benefits of placenta encapsulation?

Why would I want to eat my placenta, period?

These are just some of the questions you may be asking yourself after hearing more and more people talking about this whole placenta encapsulation thing.

It may sound a bit odd to consider taking pills made from your placenta, but bear with us a minute…

Humans are one of the few mammals that does NOT routinely ingest their placenta after birth. The other mammals that do not ingest them do so for reasons other than simply deciding not to.

The whale, for example, does not ingest its own placenta because after birth, it falls to the ocean floor (where of course someone eats it). The kangaroo does not ingest its own placenta because it is never actually expelled…it is reabsorbed by the body. So they still benefit from all the hormones without the actual ingestion.

The use of placenta goes back for hundreds of years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is used as an herb for many maladies from function of various organs and systems, to even male impotence. It is traditionally considered a “warming” herb and the idea is that it helps balance hormones.

Throughout pregnancy, your body produces hormones. When the placenta is delivered, many of these hormones leave your body in an instant. The goal of taking placenta pills is to restore the hormone level in the body to its natural state.

Restoring the body’s hormone levels leads us to the benefits of placenta encapsulation. When hormones are more well-balanced in the postpartum period, you have the potential to experience the following

-Increased milk production

-Increased energy

-Improved mood

-Decrease in postpartum depression/anxiety levels

-Increase in stress-relieving hormones

-Increase in depleted iron stores

The majority of our clients have chosen to utilize this service for various reasons, some of which include:

-They had postpartum depression with their first child and do not want to experience it again

-They have a family history of mood disorders

-They have a family history of postpartum depression

-They have a history of excess blood loss with delivery

-For those planning to breastfeed – They are concerned about the ability to make enough milk

-They want to do everything possible to increase energy during their postpartum period

-They were anemic prior to or during pregnancy and want to have the possibility of helping prevent or lessen it postnatally.

These clients have told us afterwards that they noticed a positive effect from taking the placenta pills in the immediate postpartum period. They say they would absolutely do it again.

Of course, we will never tell you what to do with your placenta, just as we will never tell you what to do with your body, birth, or baby! However, if you are interested in this service that is becoming more and more popular, give our office a call and we can answer any questions you have.

Did you choose to encapsulate your placenta? What was your experience?

We are proud to be trained by Placenta Prep, utilizing the highest safety standards in the industry.

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