3 Things Before Leaving the Hospital

You’ve had your precious baby and you’re celebrating as the time for discharge from the hospital gets closer and closer and closer. Your warm bed. Your decicious meals. Your Netflix account. Your coffee. I know, I know. Getting to the comfort of your own home couldn’t come soon enough. But let’s pause for a moment and take in all that …

What If I Don’t Have Enough Breast Milk?

low milk supply

As you learn how to breastfeed, it can be difficult to decipher what is fact and what is fiction. Between sleep deprivation and the bombardment of information during the early postpartum period, it is easy to have your confidence shaken as you navigate this new journey. Some common behaviors in babies and the ways in which your body functions can …

Breast Isn’t Always Best

hampton roads breastfeeding support

I must preface this piece by saying that I’m writing this from the perspective of a professional doula.  As a doula, my job is to provide nonjudgmental support to the families that hire me. That means, helping them create goals, evaluate their options, and support them in the decisions they deem most appropriate for their family. Part of this job …

5 Breastfeeding Snacks

breastfeeding snack

Feeding yourself after birth always seems to be a feat of Herculean proportion. It is recommended that while nursing, one should consume approximately 500 extra calories per day. We at Hampton Roads Doulas think it’s important to be able to nourish yourself while you nourish your baby, so we have put together five easy breastfeeding snacks that are nutritious and delicious. Enjoy! …

Why Should I Encapsulate My Placenta?

placenta encapsulation hampton roads

Why should I have my placenta encapsulated? What are the benefits of placenta encapsulation? Why would I want to eat my placenta, period? These are just some of the questions you may be asking yourself after hearing more and more people talking about this whole placenta encapsulation thing. It may sound a bit odd to consider taking pills made from your …